


The Query call can be used to request information related to the transaction from Netaxept. Netaxept then returns detailed information concerning the transaction, such as the status of the transaction and the payment method used. The Query call can be used for example in the following cases:

  • If the payment method used by the customer is not known after the Register call and the Terminal phase, use the Query call to find out the payment method and then take the further action based on that.
  • If you receive an error, use the Query call to get the full information available to do the correct error handling and allowing a better response to the customer.
  • If you are unsure about the status of the transaction, use the Query call to check that the transaction has the correct status and the payment has succeeded. Despite of the successfully captured transaction, it is recommended to run the Query call before sending goods to the customer to verify that the money has actually been captured. This is due to the response times Netaxept from time to time see from third-party payment methods, such as direct bank payments.
  • If you have saved card details for subsequent payments, run the Query call on the initial transaction to find out the value of the "panHash" parameter that needs to be stored on the customer profile for future purchases.

The input data is organized into a QueryRequest, and the output data is formatted as a QueryResponse. Example of the REST Query call and the corresponding response can be found in the "Sample code" section.


API call


Please note that Server Name Indication (SNI) is required when connecting to Netaxept test environment URL https://test.epayment.nets.eu

Web Services

Query (string merchantId, string token, QueryRequest  request) -> QueryResponse


Input parameters

Available input parameters in the Query are listed below. Please see proper validation rules at the "Validation" section.


Merchant ID

REST: MerchantId

WebServices: merchantId


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 8

Unique ID generated by Nets for identifying each merchant in Netaxept. You need to send this ID to Netaxept along all API calls. Test accounts may have a maximum length of 8 digits, while production accounts has a maximum length of 6 digits.



REST: Token

WebServices: token


Validation: Reference

MaxLength: 32

Shared secret between the merchant and Netaxept that is used to authenticate the merchant and is provided to you by Netaxept.


Transaction ID

REST: TransactionId

WebServices: TransactionId


Validation: Reference

MaxLength: 32

Unique ID identifying each transaction within the Merchant ID in Netaxept at any point. Transaction ID used in this call needs to match the Transaction ID used with the Register call.


Sub transaction ID

REST: subTransactionId

WebServices: SubTransactionId


Validation: Reference

MaxLength: 32

Invoice ID generated for each invoice. Usually one invoice transaction has one invoice ID, however, if you run for example a partial capture for an invoice transaction, an invoice with its own invoice ID will be created.


Output parameters     


The PaymentInfo class inherits from the QueryResponse class.

Merchant ID

REST: MerchantId

WebServices: MerchantId


Validation: Reference

MaxLength: 32

Echoed from the Query call.


Transaction ID

REST: TransactionId

WebServices: TransactionId


Validation: Reference

MaxLength: 32

Echoed from the Query call.


Child transaction ID

REST: ChildTransactionid

WebServices: ChildTransactionid


Validation: Reference

MaxLength: N/A

Unique ID identifying the remaining part of the gift card transaction that has been paid with another payment method.


Query finished

REST: QueryFinished

WebServices: QueryFinished


Validation: Timestamp

MaxLength: N/A

Timestamp indicating when the Query operation was finished. This timestamp is generated on the Netaxept server.


Order number

REST: OrderNumber

WebServices: OrderNumber


Validation: Reference

MaxLength: 32

Transaction identifier defined by the merchant. Nets recommends to generate each transaction a unique order number but if wanted the same order number can be used several times. Digits and letters are allowed except special characters and scandinavian letters like Æ Ø Å Ä Ö.



REST: Amount

WebServices: Amount


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 10

Transaction amount described as the lowest monetary unit for the given currency without punctuation marks and excluding any fees. For example: 100,00 NOK is noted as "10000" and 9.99 USD is noted as "999".

The max amount possible for this value is to specify 2147483647, the maximum value of a signed 32 bit integer.



REST: Currency

WebServices: Currency


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: 3

Currency code for the transaction amount, following ISO 4217. For example "NOK", "SEK", "DKK", "EUR" and "USD".


Order description

REST: OrderDescription

WebServices: OrderDescription


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 1500

Free-format textual description determined by the merchant for the transaction. This can be HTML-formatted. If you are using Netaxept hosted payment window, this description will appear in the payment window for the customer. Unlike the other fields, the order description will not cause the call to fail if it exceeds its maximum length, rather the field will be truncated to its maximum length.


Delivery date

REST: DeliveryDate

WebServices: DeliveryDate


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 8

Date when Netaxept automatically executes the Process(Capture) call for the transaction, on the format YYYYMMDD. When using this parameter, the merchant needs to run the Process(Auth) after the Register call as normal but then the Process(Capture) will the taken care of by Netaxept.




WebServices: Fee


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 10

An additional charge determined by the merchant for the transaction, described as the lowest monetary unit without punctuation marks. For example: 100,00 NOK is noted as "10000" and 9.99 USD is noted as "999". The fee will be added to the original amount.



REST: Timestamp

WebServices: Timestamp


Validation: Timestamp

MaxLength: N/A

Timestamp indicating when the operation in question was finished. This timestamp is generated on the Netaxept server.



REST: Total

WebServices: Total


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 10

The sum of transaction amount + fee described as the lowest monetary unit for the given currency without punctuation marks. For example: 100,00 NOK is noted as "10000" and 9.99 USD is noted as "999".


Rounding amount

REST: RoundingAmount

WebServices: RoundingAmount


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 10

Rounding amount defined by the merchant for the transaction, described as the lowest monetary unit for the given currency without punctuation marks. For example: 100,00 NOK is noted as "10000" and 9.99 USD is noted as "999".




WebServices: ECI


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 2

The authentication result that is returned if the transaction has been authenticated by 3D Secure authentication services:

  • 05 or 02 = Card enrolled, authenticated OK.
  • 06 or 01 = Authentication attempted, but the payment card was not enrolled for the authentication service.
  • 07 or 00 = The merchant was not registered for the authentication service.


Authenticated with

REST: AuthenticatedWith

WebServices: AuthenticatedWith


Validation: Printable

MaxLength: Custom

Identifies which external authentication protocol, if any, has been used for the transaction. This field is set only for card transactions and currently can only be "3-D Secure".


Authenticated status

REST: AuthenticatedStatus

WebServices: AuthenticatedStatus


Validation: Printable

MaxLength: Custom

The status of the 3D Secure authentication. Valid values are:

  • Y = Authentication successful. Cardholder was successfully authenticated.
  • N = Cardholder not enrolled in 3D Secure or equivalent authentication service.
  • U = Authentication could not be performed. Authentication could not be completed, due to technical problem.
  • A = Authentication attempted. Performed authentication could not be completed, but a proof of authentication attempt (CAVV) was generated.


Authorization id

REST: AuthorizationId

WebServices: AuthorizationId


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 64

ID given to an authorized transaction by the Issuer.



REST: Authorized

WebServices: Authorized


Validation: Boolean

MaxLength: Custom

Indicates whether or not this transaction has been authorized. The value is set to "true" or "false". Transaction is flagged as authorized if it has been processed with AUTH or SALE call.



REST: Annulled

WebServices: Annulled


Validation: Boolean

MaxLength: Custom

Indicates whether or not the authorization of this transaction has been cancelled. The value is set to "true" or "false".



REST: Annuled

WebServices: Annuled


Validation: Boolean

MaxLength: Custom

Indicates whether or not the authorization of this transaction has been cancelled. The value is set to "true" or "false". This parameter will contain the same value as Summary.Annulled.


Amount captured

REST: AmountCaptured

WebServices: AmountCaptured


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 10

Amount which has been captured on this transaction, described as the lowest monetary unit for the given currency without punctuation marks. For example: 100,00 NOK is noted as "10000" and 9.99 USD is noted as "999". Check this parameter to confirm the payment is made.


Amount credited

REST: AmountCredited

WebServices: AmountCredited


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 10

Amount which has been credited on this transaction, described as the lowest monetary unit for the given currency without punctuation marks. For example: 100,00 NOK is noted as "10000" and 9.99 USD is noted as "999".


Amount adjusted

REST: AmountAdjusted.PositiveAdjusted and AmountAdjusted.NegativeAdjusted

WebServices: AmountAdjusted.PositiveAdjusted and AmountAdjusted.NegativeAdjusted


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 10

Amount which has been adjusted (either positive or negative) on this transaction, described as the lowest monetary unit for the given currency without punctuation marks. For example: 100,00 NOK is noted as "10000" and 9.99 USD is noted as "999". 



REST: Email

WebServices: Email


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 128

Customer's email address. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.


Phone number

REST: PhoneNumber

WebServices: PhoneNumber


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 64

Customer's phone number. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call. The phone number should be given on the format of +[country code][phone number], for example: +4712345678, +469876543, +35850123456.


IP address


WebServices: IP


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 15

IP address of the customer's browser connection.


Customer number

REST: CustomerNumber

WebServices: CustomerNumber


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 64

Customer's ID that can be used to identify the customer or the customer group. The same customer number can be used several times. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.


First name

REST: FirstName

WebServices: FirstName


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 128

Customer's first name. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.


Last name

REST: LastName

WebServices: LastName


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 128

Customer's last name. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.


Address 1

REST: Address1

WebServices: Address1


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 64

Customer's address. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.


Address 2

REST: Address2

WebServices: Address2


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 64

Customer's secondary address. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.


Post code

REST: Postcode

WebServices: Postcode


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 16

Customer's postal code. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.



REST: Town

WebServices: Town


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 64

Customer's city. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.



REST: Country

WebServices: Country


Validation: N/A

MaxLength: N/A

Customer's country, following ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 code. For example: "NO", "SE", "DK", "FI". Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.


Social security number

REST: SocialSecurityNumber

WebServices: SocialSecurityNumber


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 32

Customer's social security number. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call. Mandatory for certain payment methods.


Customer's company name

REST: CompanyName

WebServices: CompanyName


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 128

Customer's company name. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.


Company registration number

REST: CompanyRegistrationNumber

WebServices: CompanyRegistrationNumber


Validation: N/A

MaxLength: N/A

Business ID of the customer's company. Returned if the merchant has sent it to Netaxept along the Register call.


Customer is company

REST: isCompany

WebServices: IsCompany

Optional (used for Klarna and AfterPay)

Validation: Boolean

MaxLength: 8

Indicates that only B-to-B payment window (company related fields) have been displayed to the customer. Returned "true" if the merchant has sent customerIsCompany="true" to Netaxept along the Register call.


Masked PAN


WebServices: MaskedPAN


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 19

Card number used for this transaction, masked with asterisks.



REST: Issuer

WebServices: Issuer


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: 32

Indicates which payment method was used for this transaction. This parameter will contain the same value as CardInformation.PaymentMethod.


Expiry date

REST: ExpiryDate

WebServices: ExpiryDate


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 4

Expiry date for the card used for this transaction, on the format YYMM.


Pan Hash

REST: PanHash

WebServices: PanHash


Validation: Base64

MaxLength: N/A

Token value used in subsequent transaction to identify the transaction.

It is independent of the PAN and is not considered as a hash value. It is the merchant's responsibility to store tokens in a secure way and restrict access to data on a need to know basis. The merchant undertakes not to store tokens on a frontend system exposed to the internet or directly on mobile devices.


Issuer country

REST: IssuerCountry

WebServices: IssuerCountry


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: 2

Country where the payment card used for the transaction was issued, formatted following ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 code. For example: "NO", "SE", "DK", "FI".


Issuer ID

REST: IssuerId

WebServices: IssuerId


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 4

Identifier for the payment method being used. May be either positive or negative.


Payment method

REST: PaymentMethod

WebServices: PaymentMethod


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: 32

Indicates which payment method was used for this transaction.

Please see the valid payment methods at the Register call page, in the "Payment Method Action List" => "PaymentMethod" parameter.

For wallet based transactions, this parameter shows information about the underlying card whereas the name of the wallet used for the payment can be found in the "Wallet" section.


This section documents the History that is an array of TransactionLogLine(s).


REST: Operation

WebServices: TransactionLogLine.Operation


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: 16

Specifies which operation was performed for the transaction. Valid values are:

  • AUTH
  • SALE
  • ADJUST(Positive) or ADJUST(Negative)

Read more about the different operations at the "Flow outline" section.

In some cases Netaxept returns "SETUP" in this field. For example, when the merchant has created a payment link via Link payment or done call centre transaction via Netaxept Admin.



REST: Amount

WebServices: TransactionLogLine.Amount


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 10

The amount of this part of the transaction / operation described as the lowest monetary unit for the given currency without punctuation marks and excluding any fees. For example: 100,00 NOK is noted as "10000" and 9.99 USD is noted as "999".



REST: Description

WebServices: TransactionLogLine.Description


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: 4000

Free-format textual description of this part of the transaction / operation determined by the merchant and displayed to the merchant in Netaxept Admin. The field can show also an IP address and/or a username that has been used for the transaction.

Please note that this is different than OrderDescription parameter and hereby is not shown to the end-customer to the payment window.


Batch number

REST: BatchNumber

WebServices: TransactionLogLine.BatchNumber


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 3

Specifies which settlement batch this operation belongs to. Is present if the financial operation is done to the transaction is question.


Date and time

REST: DateTime

WebServices: TransactionLogLine.DateTime


Validation: Timestamp

MaxLength: N/A

Timestamp indicating when the operation in question was finished. This timestamp is generated on the Netaxept server.


Transaction reference number

REST: TransactionReconRef

WebServices: TransactionLogLine.TransactionReconRef


Validation: Reference

MaxLength: 25

Reference number allocated to the transaction by the merchant. The transaction reference number will be returned to the merchant with the settlement if the chosen acquirer supports the return of the transaction-specific reference number. It can also be seen in the merchant's bank statement when direct bank payments are in question. Read more about transaction reference numbers

In this parameter you will find the transaction reference number used for this part of the transaction. It can be sent to Netaxept along the Register call when it will serve as a default reference for the transaction. Alternatively, it can be sent in along the Process call.


Sub transaction ID

REST: subTransactionId

WebServices: TransactionLogLine.SubTransactionId


Validation: Reference

MaxLength: 32

Invoice ID generated for each invoice. Usually one invoice transaction has one invoice ID, however, if you run for example a partial capture for an invoice transaction, an invoice with its own invoice ID will be created.


This section will contain the latest / newest element from the ErrorLog, and can be used for a comparison instead of running through the whole ErrorLog each time.


REST: Operation

WebServices: Operation


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: 16

Specifies which financial operation was tried to perform for the transaction when the error occured. Valid values are:

  • AUTH
  • SALE
  • ADJUST(Positive) or ADJUST(Negative)

Read more about the different operations at the "Flow outline" section.


Response code

REST: ResponseCode

WebServices: ResponseCode


Validation: AlphaNumeric

MaxLength: 4

Response code for this part of the transaction. Only failed operations are entered into the error log, so this parameter will never contain the string "OK". Read more about response codes


Response text

REST: ResponseText

WebServices: ResponseText


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: Custom

Response text / message explains the error code and gives a more detailed description of the error helping the merchant to find out why the transaction failed. Read more about response messages


Response source

REST: ResponseSource

WebServices: ResponseSource


Validation: AlphaNumeric

MaxLength: 16

Textual description of which part of the system generated the error code. The error codes are divided into groups according to the source. Read more about error sources


Date and time

REST: DateTime

WebServices: DateTime


Validation: Timestamp

MaxLength: N/A

Timestamp indicating when the operation in question was finished. This timestamp is generated on the Netaxept server.


This section documents the history of all the errors occurred for the transaction in the format of ErrorLog that is an array of PaymentError(s).


REST: Operation

WebServices: PaymentError.Operation


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: 16

Specifies which financial operation was tried to perform for the transaction when the error occured. Valid values are:

  • AUTH
  • SALE
  • ADJUST(Positive) or ADJUST(Negative)

Read more about the different operations at the "Flow outline" section.


Response code

REST: ResponseCode

WebServices: PaymentError.ResponseCode


Validation: AlphaNumeric

MaxLength: 4

Response code for this part of the transaction. Only failed operations are entered into the error log, so this parameter will never contain the string "OK". Read more about response codes >


Response text

REST: ResponseText

WebServices: PaymentError.ResponseText


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: Custom

Response text / message explains the error code and gives a more detailed description of the error helping the merchant to find out why the transaction failed. Read more about response messages


Response source

REST: ResponseSource

WebServices: PaymentError.ResponseSource


Validation: AlphaNumeric

MaxLength: 16

Textual description of which part of the system generated the error code. The error codes are divided into groups according to the source. Read more about error sources


Date and time

REST: DateTime

WebServices: PaymentError.DateTime


Validation: Timestamp

MaxLength: N/A

Timestamp indicating when the operation in question was finished. This timestamp is generated on the Netaxept server.


This section is present if card details have been saved for subsequent transactions.


REST: recurringType

WebServices: Recurring.Type


Validation: N/A

MaxLength: N/A

Indicates which tokenization type is used for this transaction. Valid values are:

  • Recurring (Init)
  • Recurring (Pull)
  • Store (Init)
  • Store (Pull)

"Recurring" refers to recurringType=R and "Store" refers to recurringType=S. In addition, "Init" means the initial transaction where card details have been stored for subsequent transactions whereas "Pull" means the later transaction where panHash connected to the initial transaction is used.



REST: recurringFrequency

WebServices: Recurring.Frequency

Optional (present if Type = "R")

Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 4

Indicates how often the merchant is allowed to charge a card based on the agreement made with the customer, in days. A frequency of "1" will allow the merchant to make recurring payments on the card every day.

Minimum frequency is 0 day, meaning no limitation on the number of transactions per day. Maximum is 365 days.


Expiry date

REST: recurringExpiryDate

WebServices: Recurring.ExpiryDate

Optional (present if Type = “R”)

Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 8

Date when the agreement made between the merchant and the customer expires. The date is described on the format YYYYMMDD.


Pan Hash

REST: PanHash

WebServices: Recurring.PanHash


Validation: Base64

MaxLength: N/A

The token value identifying the card transaction. It is independent of the PAN and is not considered as a hash value.

If recurringType was specified, and no panHash was supplied, this is the panHash generated by the payment / card registration and should be used for the later transaction.


Pan Hash secret

REST: panhashSecret

WebServices: Recurring.PanHashSecret


Validation: Base64

MaxLength: 20

Secret token linked to their panHash parameters by the means of adding an extra layer of protection to their panHash parameters.


Use 3D Secure 

REST: recurringUse3DS

WebServices: Recurring.Use3DS


Validation: Boolean

MaxLength: 5

If set to "true", together with recurringType=S, serviceType = B or M and panHash is specified for the subsequent transaction, the payment window will forward customer to perform 3D Secure or equivalent authentication. Otherwise subsequent transactions with stored cards are non-3DS authenticated.


Customer IP country

REST: CustomerIPCountry

WebServices: CustomerIPCountry


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: 2

Country of the IP address of the customer's browser connection, following ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 code. For example: "NO", "SE", "DK", "FI".


IP country matches issuing country

REST: IPCountryMatchesIssuingCountry

WebServices: IPCountryMatchesIssuingCountry


Validation: Boolean

MaxLength: Custom 

Indicates whether or not the country of the customer's IP address matches the country of the card Issuer. The value is set to "true" or "false".



REST: Browser

WebServices: Browser


Validation: N/A

MaxLength: N/A

Customer's browser information.


Customer entered

REST: CustomerEntered

WebServices: CustomerEntered


Validation: Timestamp

MaxLength: N/A

Timestamp indicating when the customer has visited in the payment window. This timestamp is generated on the Netaxept server.


Customer redirected

REST: CustomerRedirected

WebServices: CustomerRedirected


Validation: Timestamp

MaxLength: N/A

Timestamp indicating when the customer has been redirected or has been attempted to redirect from the payment window to the URL specified by the merchant. This timestamp is generated on the Netaxept server. Check this parameter to verify when Netaxept redirected the customer or tried to redirect.


Invoice ID

REST: invoiceId

WebServices: InvoiceId


Validation: Numeric

MaxLength: 32

Invoice ID generated for each invoice. Usually one invoice transaction has one invoice ID, however, if you run for example a partial capture for an invoice transaction, an invoice with its own invoice ID will be created.


This section is present if sub-merchant data is sent along the transaction in payment facilitator setup.


REST: PaymentFacilitatorMCC

WebServices: PaymentFacilitator.MCC

Required (if Payment facilitator)

Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 4

Sub-merchant's merchant category code (MCC) assigned by the acquirer.


Merchant descriptor

REST: PaymentFacilitatorMerchantDescriptor

WebServices: PaymentFacilitator.MerchantDescriptor

Required (if Payment facilitator)

Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 64

Sub-merchant's marketing name (15), address (12), city (13), postal code (10) and country (3). All subfields need to be left justified with trailing spaces (or padded from the right with blanks if necessary).

For example:

Testi Oy       Kaitalantie Helsinki     00510        FIN


Sub-merchant ID

REST: PaymentFacilitatorSubMerchantId

WebServices: PaymentFacilitator.SubMerchantId

Required (if Payment facilitator)

Validation: Custom

MaxLength: 15

Sub-merchant's merchant ID assigned by the acquirer or Payment facilitator.


This section is present if wallet based payment method was used for the payment.


REST: Issuer

WebServices: Issuer


Validation: Alpha

MaxLength: N/A

Tells the name of the wallet based payment method being used. The actual payment card used for the payment can be found in CardInformation.PaymentMethod.


AvtaleGiro status

REST: AvtaleGiroStatus

WebServices: AvtaleGiro.AvtaleGiroStatus


Validation: Custom

MaxLength: Custom

If AvtaleGiro data was sent on the current transaction, an AvtaleGiro status is required to give the status of the signing of the AvtaleGiro agreement. Valid values are:

  • Ok = The signing of the AvtaleGiro agreement was OK.
  • Cancel = The signing of the AvtaleGiro agreement was cancelled by the customer.
  • Error = Something went wrong when signing the AvtaleGiro agreement.

Exceptions and response codes

If something goes wrong when communicating between your system and Netaxept or in the middle of the payment process, Netaxept declines the transaction and returns an exception. All exceptions are wrapped in the outer Exception tag, with an Error tag inside. The type (xsi:type) of the Error tag indicates which exception it is. In most cases, the exception includes the error code indicating the error, as well as an error message explaining the code. The Query call can throw the following exceptions. Read more about exceptions and response codes

  • AuthenticationException
  • QueryException